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Products - Temperature Measurement

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2-Channel J-Type Thermocouple MAX31856 SPI Digital Interface Breakout 42.95
2-Channel K-Type Thermocouple MAX31856 SPI Digital Interface Breakout 42.95
2-Channel T-Type Thermocouple MAX31856 SPI Digital Interface Breakout 42.95
2-Channel Universal Thermocouple MAX31856 SPI Digital Breakout, Screw Terminal 34.95
4-Channel J-Type Analog Thermocouple Amplifier and Signal Conditioner 49.95
4-Channel J-Type Analog Thermocouple Amplifier and Signal Conditioner w Offset 51.95
4-Channel J-Type Thermocouple Digital I2C Interface MCP9601 Breakout 89.95
4-Channel J-Type Thermocouple MAX31856 SPI Digital Arduino Shield 82.95
4-Channel J-Type Thermocouple MAX31856 SPI Digital Interface Breakout 81.95
4-Channel J-Type Thermocouple MAX31856 SPI Digital Interface Shield 87.95
4-Channel J-Type Thermocouple Sensor MAX31855 SPI Arduino Shield (ch0-3) 79.95
4-Channel J-Type Thermocouple Sensor MAX31855 SPI Arduino Shield (ch4-7) 79.95
4-Channel J-Type Thermocouple Sensor SPI Digital Interface MAX31855 Breakout 72.95
4-Channel K-Type Analog Thermocouple Amplifier and Signal Conditioner 54.95
4-Channel K-Type Analog Thermocouple Amplifier and Signal Conditioner w Offset 54.95
4-Channel K-Type Thermocouple Digital I2C Interface MCP9601 Breakout 85.95
4-Channel K-Type Thermocouple MAX31856 SPI Digital Arduino Shield 80.95
4-Channel K-Type Thermocouple MAX31856 SPI Digital Interface Breakout 79.95
4-Channel K-Type Thermocouple MAX31856 SPI Digital Interface Shield 87.95
4-Channel K-Type Thermocouple Sensor MAX31855 SPI Arduino Shield (ch0-3) 79.95

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